Unity High School // Orange, California // Charter School

Unity High School Teacher 2021/22

Unity High School Teacher 2022/23

I teach Art, Photography, PE, with a Broadcasting club, Yearbook club, and started an Art club.


Please if you can support my art programs at Unity MCHS. Unity is a low income school and needs your help. The students deserve the same opportunities to improve and learn.

Things that we would do with Support/Money

-Canon Rebel

-Subscriptions to Adobe Creative Cloud

-Audio equipment for my broadcasting club


Broadcast Club

Broadcasting is a club I started in 2022/23 at Unity MCHS.


Unity High School Current


Started and brought artist of the month to unity


Broadcasting Club

Unity website

unity instagram

created a social presence to both plateforms

Add stat to high schoolers using social and being on a phone


Wet Wednesday

What is Wet Wednesday?

A group I started of Prone Paddlers that meet every Wednesday night at 5:30pm in preparation for the Ben Carlson charity paddle from Catalina Island to Newport Beach (30 Miles). I wanted to form a community of like minded individuals who wanted to search for a challenge striving for something bigger than themselves.

and it turned into a great group something so much more than I thought. I look forward to my Wednesday nights!

Ben Did Go Catalina Prone Paddle

“Something bigger than yourself”




Pacific Coast Run Club




A community to run.

